About | toby's internet homepage


I'm Toby, and I love life. I have a passion for solving puzzles and telling stories. Just some of the ways I pursue my passions are through photography and totally geeking out with computers.

My dad is a pretty cool guy. I or this site wouldn't be here without him! He's really smart, and got to validate Xeon® chips for 30 years.

This site is hand-coded with vi and tested with Google Chrome and its dev tools on Linux systems. I also do some testing in the lynx/links/elinks browsers.

I had scarce knowledge of HTML and CSS before I started this site. Much of my CSS knowledge stems from a book called CSS: The Missing Manual, by David Sawyer MacFarland. It really presents the HTML and CSS languages as they really are-- simple and intuitive markup languages. Another book, HTML5 For Masterminds, by John D. Gauchat, also aided me in using the more precise HTML5 tags for structure.

I also run it through a rudimentary CMS of my own that is the epitome of spaghetti code. Comments and suggestions are welcome.
